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Unit 7 - Early Republic

Unit 7

Early Republic

Problems & Successes Faced by the Young Nation


George Washington: Farewell Address, 1st Political Parties, Whiskey Rebellion

Adams/Jefferson: Midnight Judges, Marbury v. Madison

James Madison: War of 1812, “Star Spangled Banner”

Supreme Court Cases: Gibbons v. Ogden, McCulloch v. Maryland

James Monroe: Missouri Compromise, Monroe Doctrine



George Washington’s Presidency

Served TWO Terms, Refused a Third

Set the example for others to follow

Whiskey Rebellion: Proved the Constitution was STRONG

Farewell Address = “Beware of Foreign Alliances” 




John Adams’ Presidency

Only Served ONE Term

XYZ Affair: Avoided war with France

Alien & Sedition Acts: Violated 1st Amendment

Marbury vs. Madison: Midnite Judges

John Adams



Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

Served TWO Terms

Democrtic-Republicans: States’ Rights

Louisiana Purchase: DOUBLED the size of the USA

Embargo Act: Killed the Economy

Thomas Jefferson



James Madisons Presidency

Served TWO Terms

”Father of the Constitution”

War of 1812: White House was burned by the British

His wife, Dolley Madison, saved the portrait of Washington

Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star Spangled Banner”

James Madison




James Monroe’s Presidency

Served TWO Terms

”Era of Good Feeling”

Acquired Florida in 1819

Missouri Compromise: 36° 30’

Monroe Doctrine: “No Further Euorpean Colonization”

James Monroe

Contact Brianna DiLorenzo

Classroom Number:
Rm 808
School Phone:
Conference Time:
A-Days: 1:15 - 2:30 & B-Days: 9:35 - 10:45